Sunday, May 27, 2007

Spark Plugs

Some shots of the old plugs. I replaced the left one, but had to reuse the right one.

Left plug.

Right plug with insert.

Left plug on top, right plug with insert on bottom.

Right plug on the right.

The kit I bought to get a new insert, but the threads are different I think. The old plug is back in for the time being.

1 comment:

  1. That looks like a TimeSert. And it either wasn't installed properly, or some moron installed the spark plug in it with red Loctite. I've never seen one back out by itself. My advice is to ride the bike to an automotive machine shop with a new spark plug in your pocket, and let their guy properly install a new TimeSert in the right hole. Luckily for you, the proper threads have already been tapped in the head. Otherwise, the head should be removed to do the job, and your bike needs the engine pulled to remove anything from the top end. Good luck with it.

    Stu O
